Announcing The Florida Review 2010 Editors' Awards in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. $1,000 award and publication. Submission Deadline: February 26, 2010 (postmark). This is a blind read: title only on the manuscript; cover sheet should include title, name, and contact information. Full contest guidelines are available on our website, (http://floridareview.cah.ucf.edu/).
To enter, send $15 (includes a one-year subscription) and the manuscript to The Florida Review/UCF, Department of English, University of Central Florida, PO Box 161346, Orlando, FL 32816.
The Summer issue of The Florida Review, FR 35.1 is a special issue on contemporary Native American writing. The issue will be out in time for AWP in April. The issue may be purchased by mail, or by subscribing to The Florida Review. Single issue cost: $8.00. Subscription: $15.00 (by mail or at Amazon.com).